Friday, June 3, 2016

All About The Penis, Men & Male Sexuality

By Raphael Siniora

Fellatio - oral sex on the penis
Blowjob/ Oral sex / Fellatio
All men like having their penis in their lover's mouth. The warmth and wetness of her mouth, the softness of her lips and tongue, the pressure of her hand on his balls and penile shaft, all make this the second best sexual experience a penis - and its owner - can have. (The best is to be inside a vagina.)

Fellatio feels wonderful, it looks incredibly sexy to the man receiving it, and it's relaxing: it's a passive sexual experience in which a man can just lie back and take it, rather than having to initiate, lead or take the active role as he so often does during sex.

But do women like to suck penis? That's not quite so clear. Women often say they enjoy taking their man's penis in their mouth because it gives him such pleasure. So fellatio is not, it would seem, necessarily such a sexy thing for a woman. Certainly most women would prefer not to have their man ejaculate in their mouth, and a lot of women very definitely don't like the taste or texture of semen. This doesn't mean that women will always refuse to swallow, though - once again, women will often do this to please their man.

Is oral sex more intimate than intercourse? Is letting someone put a penis in your mouth a bigger leap of faith than taking it in your vagina? In some ways, yes, since a woman who engages in intercourse knows that her man is going to ejaculate in her - whether or not he uses a condom, that's the end point of intercourse. But most likely she would prefer oral sex to be a preliminary step, a kind of foreplay, rather than the main event which culminates in a man ejaculating in her mouth.

But this doesn't seem to have impressed the latest generation of teenagers - they rate oral sex as no big deal, a way to have sex but stay a virgin. Why should that be so? Most of us would see oral sex on a penis as an incredibly intimate act - the sort of act you'd have to know someone really well to do. Are young women now unable to say "no" to the pressure to have sex and compromise by giving their boyfriends fellatio? In suburban America, it seems, you can give your boyfriend head and still be a virgin - a handy interpretation of modern culture. But whatever happened to "heavy petting", masturbation of the penis or clitoris to orgasm?

Here's some advice on how to do it well. After all, his penis is too precious to risk any accidents.

The significance of fellatio

This is the ultimate sign of respect for a man. The fact that you are willing to take his penis into your mouth means more to him than you can possibly imagine. And this isn't just about the fantastic physical sensations, though many men will tell you that fellatio is almost better than intercourse (it's certainly a close run thing!) It's about the fact that you are willing to do something so intimate for him, an act that requires so much trust and love. A woman's reluctance to orally pleasure her partner can be a real source of difficulty in a relationship.

Try starting before he's erect

Sucking flaccid dick

Why not take his soft penis into your mouth? There are several advantages to this. First, if you are intimidated by a big erect penis (or even a not-so-big-erect penis) this can be less threatening. More importantly, perhaps, if he is slow to arouse, or he needs time to get going, this particular approach is likely to be the one that gets him aroused faster than anything else.

Don't literally give him a blow-job!

Most women know, of course, that there is no blowing in a blow job. The job to be done almost exclusively involves licking and sucking. In fact, alternating between licking and sucking is generally a good idea. Moving your tongue around in your mouth while you have his penis in there is a pretty good idea too.

licking dick
If you've never had a penis in your mouth before, it can be an overwhelming experience (so I'm told). So, if you're going to lick, you might like to know in advance that the most sensitive spot is usually on his frenulum, on the underside of his penis. Of course many circumcised men don't have a frenulum, but it's still a good place to start. Running your tongue around the rim of his glans should get him excited, and if his foreskin is loose, pushing the tip of your tongue between his glans and foreskin will be very exciting for him. Perhaps the most exciting way of using your tongue is to lick and flick it gently across and around his glans while you hold his penis in your warm, wet mouth. You can also use your hand on the base of his shaft to control how far his penis enters your mouth.


Camille Crimson Sucking Dick

The most sensitive spot for sucking is the head of a man's penis; sucking and licking this area can work wonders. Of course, sucking can also involve a deeper enveloping of a man's penis with your mouth. This deeper method feels good along the shaft of the penis, and the pressure of the back of the mouth feels extremely good on the sensitive glans.
When combined with a sucking action, this is the closest, some men swear, that they come to experiencing heaven on earth. As women become more experienced, they can often take their partner deeper into their mouth and even into their throat. This requires quite a bit of practice, and it is generally best if the woman controls the rhythm and depth of penetration.

How to avoid gagging
deep throat blowjob/ fellatio (Gagging)

Many women worry that they will gag if they take their partner deep into their mouth or throat. One way to avoid this is to place your hands around the base of his penis, so that he simply cannot push too far into your mouth. As you gain more experience, you may wish to try taking him deeper into your mouth: he will be very happy about this, for the feelings produced by the pressure of his glans on the back of your throat are wonderful. If you really want to deep throat him, there are various ways you can learn to overcome your gag reflex. In terms of your issues with gagging during oral sex, there is something you can work on, which is learning to raise your soft palate. When you yawn, your soft palate goes up automatically, so the next few times you yawn, pay attention to the sensations in your mouth in terms of the back of your throat. Often, if you press the base of your tongue down and flatter to the bottom of your mouth (as you likely know, it's a muscle, you don't need anything in there to move it), and the tip of your tongue towards your teeth, you can raise your soft palate intentionally.

To maintain the greatest control of how deep he can thrust - and it is likely he will want to thrust into your mouth, because that feels best for him - you can keep your hands around the base of his penis or have him lie on his back as you kneel over him: that way you will be better able to control the depth of penetration.

Using Lips and teeth

Don't ever bite his penis!

And avoid rubbing the skin of his shaft with your teeth as the penile skin is easily torn. The best way to keep his penis safe is to keep your lips over your teeth as you move up and down his shaft or as he thrusts in and out of your mouth.

Spit or swallow?

There's no need to agonize over this issue. It's simply a matter of personal choice. You might want to swallow for his greater pleasure, though it doesn't matter to all men, so establish what he would like and don't assume you know without asking him! You might want to take his semen into your mouth and discretely spit it out afterwards, or you may want to move his penis out of your mouth and masturbate him to orgasm so that his semen does not enter your mouth at all.

My own partner does not want semen in her mouth, and, though I have to admit I would like her to swallow, it's not a big issue between us. She tells me it's not the taste that bothers her, which is what seems to put off most women, but the texture she has an aversion to. Oh well. By the way, the taste of men's semen varies according to the time of the month (really) and what they've recently eaten.

A few other words about oral sex

It's a complete myth that oral sex is so hot for a man that he's going to burst into an ejaculation without fail. The truth is that some men can't come through oral sex because there isn't enough stimulation on their glans to promote an orgasm. Equally, some men find it extremely arousing, and some merely find it very pleasurable.

Having said, that, I think one of the best orgasms of my life was with a previous partner who took me to orgasm through superb oral sex and kept on stimulating me with her mouth as I came, swallowing each spurt of semen as I ejaculated. Remember, girls, that for your man, oral sex is the ultimate sign of acceptance. He'll probably be most upset if you won't take his penis in your mouth - even if he says he's fine about it.


You can only suck on the first inch or two of a man's penis (once it's further into your mouth, you lose suction - if you don't believe this, try it and see!), but you may give him some very delightful sensations during oral sex if you do this for him. Warning: some men do not like the feeling of strong suction on their penis. So start out gently and increase the suction if he seems to like it.

Throat contractions

This is a delightful thing to do before a man is fully erect - though it won't be long before he is as hard as a rock! Take his soft penis as far into your mouth as you can and then make a swallowing movement. Repeat as often as necessary until he becomes fully erect and hard. Interestingly, he may well find there is a lot more sensation when you do this on his flaccid penis rather than when it is erect.

Use your tongue

When you start oral sex, but before his penis is in your mouth, run your tongue up the shaft of his penis, gently over his glans and down the other side. Use both sides of your tongue, and for a special erotic thrill, stare directly into his eyes as you do this, with a knowing expression of smoldering feminine power.

When you take him in your mouth, ensure your tongue is moving constantly, whether he is thrusting or not or your head is moving up and down his penile shaft or not. The movement of your tongue around his shaft and glans will make sure that he has a glorious oral sex experience.

Even if you already use your tongue on his penis, you may never have thought of using it to stimulate his testicles and scrotum. If you lick and kiss his scrotum, he's almost certain to find it a thrilling and arousing experience - especially if you do it while he stands in front of you. If you don't like the dominance/submission implicit in this posture, have him lie on the bed and get in the same position that he would lie in if he gave you cunnilingus. Then, lick all over, starting from his perineum, under his scrotum, across his scrotum, up, around, jiggling his balls as you go (careful! they are sensitive!) and then continue up his penis to his glans, then repeat the movements in reverse order all the way down.

Use some heat!

Take a sip of hot tea or coffee and swirl it around your mouth before you start oral sex. The different sensations will get him excited!

Get that rhythm right

One of the problems with instruction manuals like this is that they can make you think all men like the same things. This isn't true - some men will like you to fellate them quickly, some will prefer a slow rhythm, and some men will prefer slow movements of your mouth one day and faster movements the next. You can try different movements and see what he likes, or you can ask him how it feels!

Let him come in your mouth (maybe)

The chances are high that he very much wants to come in your mouth (and probably see you swallow his semen with an expression of ecstasy on your face). Men, being men, are reluctant to admit this fact and hide their desire under assurances that "it really doesn't matter." If you can take his semen in his mouth as he comes, and swallow it, this will add more to his sexual pleasure than you can imagine.

If you don't want to taste his semen, try letting him come over your breasts - he's likely to enjoy that. Another thing he's likely to adore if you're into it is for him to withdraw from your mouth at the last moment and come on your lips and face - if you try this, make sure that you close your eyes so you don't get a spurt of semen across your eyeballs - this can be extremely painful.

Oral sex positions - advice for men and women

There are several sexual positions which are best for fellatio. For a man's partner, kneeling between his legs is one way to approach his penis with her mouth: another is to shift down the bed so that her head is level with his penis and then lie on her side with her head on a pillow, so she can either masturbate him with her hand or use her mouth to pleasure him as she chooses.
In either position she can use whatever techniques you both find most pleasurable, including licking the shaft of your penis, taking your glans or shaft into her mouth or throat, moving her head up and down on your erection, or any combination of these moves. A good combination is for her to use her lips and tongue on the head of your penis, while simultaneously using one hand to grip your shaft and the other hand to massage your testicles and grip the root of your penis where it emerges from your body underneath your scrotum.
Another effective and highly pleasurable technique is for your partner to "ring" your scrotum with her finger and thumb and tug gently downwards while continuing to masturbate your penile shaft with one hand and pleasure your glans with her mouth.
Remember that most women prefer more gentle stimulation than men, so she may not be applying enough pressure to fully please you. If so, you need to ask - or show - her the correct level of pressure, the amount of stimulation that will produce the degree of erection and arousal you desire.

It's also worth remembering that oral stimulation alone may not be enough to fully arouse you, no matter how pleasurable it feels, and that a combination of hand and mouth, either alternately or simultaneously, may be needed to get you to a point where you can maintain a rigid erection and a high level of arousal for long periods of time.

As a rule of thumb: to stimulate erection and arousal, ask your partner to make more vigorous hands movements with her fingers more tightly encircling your shaft, or to increase the suction in her mouth (ensuring her lips cover her teeth, so there is no damage to the delicate skin of your penis!) With oral sex, rapid up-and-down movements of her head may be helpful in producing greater arousal. If she doesn't like deep-throating, she can keep the penetration into her mouth shallow while using her hand as a sort of mouth "extension" to give you maximum stimulation.

Once you are aroused and nearing ejaculation, she can lessen the intensity of stimulation: this will sustain arousal without encouraging ejaculation.

Play with his anus as he comes

If this page is all about increasing a man's pleasure during oral sex, then a good way to do it is to give him head while you kneel in front of him as he sits or stands. When he nears orgasm, tug gently on his balls with one hand and then insert a well-lubed finger into his anus and wiggle it about, or if you don't want to do that, press on his anal sphincter or massage it vigorously. This is likely to increase the intensity of his orgasm significantly.
Lastly, men greatly appreciate oral sex, both receiving it and giving it to you. Indeed, cunnilingus is extremely arousing for most men. But if you're pleasuring him and he's not giving it to you in return, you might want to negotiate some oral pleasure for yourself. Just tell him straight what you want from him. That's the best way to get anything from a man! Pouting, sulking and dropping hints are not, believe me, good strategies!

5 Types Of Women That Are Very Good In Bed – Get In Here Now!

By Raphael Siniora

It might be difficult to know a woman who will be good in bed unless you actually take her to bed. But if you would rather not risk taking home a woman that will turn out to be not-so-great, we present to you five personality types that translate into a fantastic time in bed.

1. The Funny Woman:

For some curious reason, funny people are usually better in bed. Sure, there might be scientific study to back this up, but most men who have gone with the gal with the amazing sense of humor usually report back to say they have the best time. This is probably because funny women are unlikely to take things too seriously. They make sure to have fun in the bedroom and this can be a very attractive trait.

2. The Experienced Woman:

A lot of men run from the ‘experienced’ or the ‘slutty’ woman because they worry about their reputations but if you have not bedded one, you are missing out. An experienced girl not only know what she is doing, she also knows what to do to please you. She is very likely to show you things you probably have never experienced.

3. The Outspoken Woman:

Women who are never shy about expressing themselves usually turn out to be great Sex. Xx:’ partners. Why? Because if they are unafraid to say what’s on their mind outside, then they are very likely to be straight with you in the bedroom too. They tell you exactly what turns them on and expect the same from you. No time for being coy or embarrassed. They are after their orgasm and yours so those are their main focus.

4. The Filthy Woman:

You know that woman who always seem to have dirt in her mind. She says nasty things and talks like a pro. Most men believe women like these are probably just pretending. But you know how people are, we only say what our mind is filled with. So, take her home today, you are more likely to be pleased.

5. The Curious Woman:

Is she always interested in trying new things? Does she jump at the chance to try a new meal, try her hands in new ventures or gets easily bored of things? This is one woman you should bed. Often times, the best Sex. Xx:’ partners are those who are willing to step out of their comfort zones. They want to try new positions and have Sex. Xx:’ in new ways. She will give you a thrill.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Female Danish Athletes Diminish Their Own Championship Victory By Taking Nude Photos

By Raphael Siniora

No one cared about their victory until they took off their clothes
A female sports team has celebrated winning the Women’s European Handball Federation Cup by posing naked with their trophy. In a photograph that shows both the attention-seeking narcissism and self-objectification rampant amongst Western women today, members of the winning Danish squad, Tvis Holstebro, use different angles, their teammates’ bodies, their hands or even the trophy itself to conceal their breasts and genitals.
Once more, the self-objectification of female athletes raises important questions about the relative value of women’s sports. Men are routinely denigrated, attacked and witch-hunted for judging female athletes on their bodies, yet those in female sports, provided they have semi-decent figures (or even only scary ones), seem to take every opportunity to try to exploit and then commercialize their sexuality.
People like British “psychologist” Priscilla Choi have in the past complained that female athletes are evaluated more on their looks than their athletic ability. There are nonetheless at least two glaring holes in this kind of argument: 1) women are generally and markedly inferior to men in sports and 2) female athletes themselves directly participate and even want objectification if it is profitable for them.
As you would expect in these hypocritical times of ours, female athletes and their backers have demanded that they be taken as seriously as the men over recent years. Forgetting the fact that even boys’ teams are frequently superior to adult women’s teams, female athletes want “equality” for providing grossly inferior performances. They want their own gendered fields so as to not compete with the men, maintaining the very flimsy illusion that the women are just as good and worthy of similar or identical remuneration.
Is there an actual justification for taking female athletes like those in the Tvis Holstebro squad seriously, especially after the otherwise “sexist” behavior of arranging the nude photograph or the all-round self-objectification female athletes use? Why can’t their sporting prowess, including compared to men, do all the talking?

Nude, All-Women Production Of Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ Honors Free Expression

By Raphael Siniora

“O, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here!”

Shakespeare’s plays express an affinity for expressive dress. In “The Taming of the Shrew,” the caddish Petruchio withholds food, sleep and beautiful attire from his new bride as punishment for her forwardness, hoping to change her ways. In “Twelfth Night” and “The Merchant of Venice,” women disguise themselves as men in order to achieve their goals.
If outfits are favorite motifs of the Bard, what should we make of a clothes-free production of one of his best-known plays, “The Tempest”? According to co-director Alice Mottola, who headed up such a production performed this week at Summit Rock in New York City’s Central Park, nudity graces the play with themes of free expression and equality across cultures. This interpretation makes sense; the play, for those unfamiliar, is about an aristocratic crew caught in a storm that brings them to an island rich with magic and isolated inhabitants.
The production company describes the aesthetic choice on its site as such:
This Tempest focuses on the contrast between the harsh restrictions of “civilization” — where political maneuvering costs thrones and lives — and the Edenic, magic-suffused tropical island on which the sorcerer Prospero and his daughter Miranda have lived in exile for twelve years. The contrast will be dramatized not only through performance and staging but also through inventive and integral use of costuming, with the harrowed, conspiring shipwreck victims initially forced to navigate the play’s island setting in constricting outfits suggestive of European aristocracy.
The play’s “selective use of nudity to dramatize ‘The Tempest’’s central themes of alienation and reconciliation,” the company continues, “builds on a long tradition of free expression in theatrical productions held in outdoor settings.”
Modern takes on Shakespeare’s plays aren’t uncommon. His stories are often adapted into contemporary novelizations, the most recent slate published by Hogarth, including a forthcoming rewrite of “The Tempest” by Margaret Atwood, confronting the threats posed by global warming.
Another recent political take on The Bard involved an all-women production of “The Taming of the Shrew,” one of the playwright’s “problem plays,” for its arguably oppressive themes. The director, Rebecca Patterson, told The Huffington Post, “I don’t think [casting women] changes the meaning. What it does is liberate the play from simplistic gender politics into its deeper universal humanity.”
Check out Mottola’s liberating, nude production — co-directed by Pitr Strait and co-produced with the Outdoor Co-ed Topless Pulp Fiction Appreciation Society — of “The Tempest” below.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Secret life of a Somali Girls in America

By Raphael Siniora

When I was growing up, sex was a taboo in our household, which is like many Muslim homes regardless of how religious the families are. I remember thinking of sex as a thing for only morally low individuals. As I got older, I learned that sex was good, but only in marriage to a Somali born husband. What were worse than the “morally low” to our 200 scattered Somali families were those, who would entertain with the idea of being with Non-Somalis.

Their demands were accepted by me however there were no Somalis in our 98% pale skinned people of Middle America. We were beyond a minority, more like a dark dot on a white paper. I remember thinking this is ridiculous, how can I find a Somali husband, when I have to travel 20 miles just to see a person of color.

A lot of Somali girls including myself date outside of our community without the knowledge of family or the community. Living such a double life, where you pretend to be something you’re not is in my opinion, extremely and emotional draining.

These young women are breaking cultural boundaries by secretly dating men outside of their religion and culture because the number of Somali people is not enough to look for a partner. Somali parents strictly prefer their children to court and marry a person from their own culture; many of these parents fail to understand that the Somali diaspora in America is a small pool.

“I got tired of looking for the right Somali man to date that’s when I met Michael and I can’t imagine life without him even though only few people know about him” says Anab, a friend of mine

The pressure of looking for Mr. Right in a pool the size of a box has created a platform of living a double life. At home these young women pretend to be what their parents want them to be and in real life they are living the life they want.

In some cases those who meet a decent Somali partner leave there double life behind and go on to being simple housewives and mothers.

“The problem is the only place to meet potential husband is by going to Somali weddings or parties and I hate both so I am out of luck” says Nimco Ahmed

Ahmed is dating an Italian male from Milan. She has no plans of marrying or even introducing him to her parents or family members.

“My guy is very patient because he understands my situation so we complement each other” added Ahmed

If you ever ran into Ahmed on the street, she is dressed in religious clothes, and she looks like the type that never misses a prayer. She is wearing a brought blue scarf with long sleeved shirt and very loose skirt, very typically Islamic attire.

“We have had sex in his place, in his car, and have even gone on vacation together” says Ahmed

The girls explained that, somehow, having forbidden sex makes them feel awful and excited at the same time.

The down fall to living a double life is that a lot of times these girls forget the consequences of sex when they forget to use protection.

Anab, not her real name by the way, stated that she has had over 9 abortions in just her relationship with Michael; a man she loves but will never marry because her family would never accept him.

But there are cases, where young women actually marry their secret lovers, one of them is Anab’s best friend Ifrah; who is married to her once secret white English lover and has son with him. Her mother still wishes that her daughter was married to a Somali, but she accepts her daughter’s husband.

Parents of young Somali women should consider that their actions are forcing their daughters to live emotionally risky lives, which ultimately ends with broken hearts, countless abortions and worst cases, sexually transmitted diseases.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Why your penis and nipples are darker than the rest of your skin?

By: Raphael Siniora

Revealed... why your penis and nipples are darker than the rest of your skin: Sex hormones cause pigmentation in puberty - but 'darkening can be a sign of diabetes'

  • A person's genitals are usually darker than the rest of their body
  • Experts reveal the darkening occurs because of hormones in puberty
  • Extra testosterone can cause a man's penis and nipples to darken 
  • Similarly estrogen can cause a woman's labia and aerola to darken
  • But, darkening can also occur because of health problems, doctors warn 

Have you ever wondered why your genitals are darker than the rest of your body?
Regardless of race, a person's penis and nipples, areolas and labia are naturally a shade or two deeper in color than their skin.
And the reason? Darkening occurs during puberty, experts told Daily Mail Online.
As sex hormones surge through the body they stimulate the production of melanin - the amino acid responsible for hair and skin color.
The result is for the skin on a man's penis and nipples and a woman's areolas and labia, to darken.
While the process is a natural one, experts warn, any further darkening in adulthood could be a sign of the chronic illness, diabetes. 
Dr Lindsey Bordone, a dermatologist at Columbia University Medical Center in New York, told Daily Mail Online: ‘Your skin can darken in certain areas when your sugars are very high – and you’re developing diabetes.’  

It's common for men and women to have genitals and nipples that are darker than the rest of their skin, experts reveal. The change in pigmentation largely occur because sex hormones stimulate production of melanin during puberty

In childhood a person generally has lighter pigmentation all over – regardless of race.
For instance, some people are born with blonde hair that later turns brown.
Dr Bordone said: ‘When girls are young, their nipples are light. And as they get older, hormones have an effect and the nipples darken. ‘It’s very similar for boys.’

But, when puberty kicks in, women experience an increase in estrogen, while men experience an influx of testosterone. Those hormones regulate melanocytes – which are skin cells that produce melanin, said Dr Cameron Rokhsar, an associate clinical professor of dermatology at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York.
Your skin can darken in certain areas when your sugars are very high – and you’re developing diabetes
Dr Lindsey Bordone, a dermatologist at Columbia University Medical Center
Dr Rokhsar told Daily Mail Online: ‘Hormones regulate the way melanocytes produce their pigment.
‘Those can have an effect on the way the skin in that area pigments, so generally that area is darker.’
Hormones can also affect pigmentation in adulthood, especially in women.
When a woman is pregnant – or goes on birth control pills – she can experience heightened levels of estrogen.
That increase in hormones can cause pigmentation in a woman's face.
Dr Rokhsar added: ‘In pregnancy, women can also develop a dark line on their abdomen.’
Furthermore, external factors – especially friction – can affect pigmentation after puberty.
When the skin experiences friction, it naturally thickens to protect itself, she explained.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Ways To Know When A Woman Is Sexually Attracted To You

Posted by: Raphael Siniora 25 May 2016 in Relationship Tips Leave a comment

Here are a few body language signs to look out for if you want to know how to tell if a woman is sexually attracted to you:

1. She can’t keep her eyes off of you.

If you see that she is making eye contact with you and that eye contact seems to linger a little bit too long, then you can usually take that as being a very good sign that she might feel sexually attracted to you. The more flirtatious that eye contact is, the better.

2. She is trying really hard to get closer to you physically.

The more effort she seems to be putting in trying to get next to you, the more likely it is that she is sexually attracted to you. That’s not always the case, but most of the time it is.

3. She is touching you physically.

If she escalates to the point where she is touching you physically, that is also a pretty good sign that she is sexually attracted to you. Especially when it comes after the flirting has already started and it happens to be an intimate kind of physical touch.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Latin girl hot

Latin girl hot


By Raphael Siniora

You are likely aware that the anus is pretty darn close to the vagina. This means that fecal bacteria is also nearby, even in the cleanest of women. This situation plus sex can have an unpleasant outcome. “When you have intercourse, that penetration allows some of this bacteria to get closer to the urethra,” says Kim.
Women have short urethras compared to men, so it’s easy for this bacteria (once inside) to make its way to the bladder, where it can multiple, damage tissue, and cause inflammation.
This is a urinary tract infection (UTI), which can be painful and require antibiotics. Peeing right after sex can help prevent the spread of fecal bacteria to the bladder and, there for UTIs. This is also why partners should not switch to vaginal intercourse right after anal.
Peeing right after the end of the sexual act can bring great benefits for you and your body, and in this way it is helping to fight infections that may endanger your physical well-being.
By having sex, those microbes and bacteria in the genital area and rectum can enter and gather in the urethra, running the danger of infection occur in the bladder. Actually, it has been shown that this is one of the most common reasons for urinary tract infections in women. In order to avoid it, experts stress the importance to urinate right after sex.
According to doctors, female ejaculation does not happen through the urethra so the best way to draw and expel all those substances or particles that are introduced during penetration is through urination. It is recommended not to forget this, once completed intercourse. It is advised not to take your time and to urinate preferably within 45 minutes after penetration.
We additionally insist on the utilization of condoms as more secure and more reliable way to protect against these infections and also of sexually transmitted diseases that can seriously endanger your health and the health of your partner.
When you know about the importance to urinate after sex, you should keep in mind that keeping good personal hygiene just before and after sex is also important to avoid infection in the urinary tract, protect your health and enjoy total comfort of your intimate encounters. Particularly, for women inclined to cystitis, vaginal area ought to be washed with water and a little neutral pH soap at the end.

Women watch more porn after getting married, research finds

By Raphael Siniora

The researchers found the reverse trend in men as they report watching pornography less often after getting married
According to the research, women's use of pornographic material increases after marriage iStock

Women watch more pornography after getting married, while married men watch it less, research has suggested.
Researchers interviewed a hundred married men and women to establish how behaviour and attitudes towards sexuality change before and after marriage. Of female participants, 9 per cent reported viewing pornography before marriage while 28 per cent said they viewed it after marriage. The reverse trend was noted in married men; with 23 per cent saying they viewed it before marriage while 14 per cent viewed it after marriage.
In a report published by Sexologies Journal, the researchers conclude: “The findings reveal that the consumption of pornography increases after marriages in females and decreases in males with highly significant difference.” 
They suggest: “Higher level of sexual desire has already been correlated with greater pornography use. Men after marriage are more involved in establishing their socioeconomic status in the society. Hence, their priorities may change from sexual fantasies to actual sexual practices with their female partners.”
One other possible interpretation is that marriage was not a deciding factor in itself but a reflector of age. Namely, that women now are more likely to feel less social stigma about viewing pornographic materials than in previous years and therefore the ‘before marriage/ after marriage’ control in the study in fact reflects age in the form of women reflecting on how sexually liberated they feel now compared to previous years. This would suggest that marriage in itself does not change a person’s use of pornography but rather that associated age factors are more influential.
The study also measured married couples’ preference for sexual acts, divided by gender. It found that 13 per cent of men and 12 per cent of women specified penetrative vaginal sex as preferred. 2 per cent of married men specified anal sex, compared to 0.4 per cent of married women and 5.9 per cent of men cited their favourite sexual act as engaging with sexual fantasies, rising to 6.9 per cent of women
