Thursday, October 25, 2018

Asylantenhilfe. Sex in Deutschland- Kondomtraining in Göttingen.

✍ Posted by: Rapahel Siniora

Kondom Training für Flüchtlinge ohne Kulturschock in Göttingen

Übung macht bekanntlich den Meister: Dozentin Simone Kamin beim Kondomtraining der AIDS-Hilfe für geflüchtete Jugendliche. Für Teilnehmer gab es Informations-Tüten mit Broschüren auf Arabisch und Farsi.

Göttingen. Viele Jugendliche flüchten allein aus ihren Heimatländern – fast alle von ihnen sind männlich. Offener Umgang mit dem Thema Sexualität ist in ihren Heimatländern oft nicht gegeben. Die Aidshilfe und der Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachsen wollen das in einer landesweiten Kampagne nachholen und kulturelle Schranken auflösen.
Die Frau ist Simone Kamin. Sie trägt ihre Haare kurz, Brille, einen Schal zur karierten Bluse. Die Männer kommen aus dem Irak, Ägypten, Libyen oder Syrien. Sie sind allein vor ein bis drei Jahren nach Deutschland gekommen und wohnen jetzt in einer Einrichtung nahe Göttingen. Sexualität ist etwas, was sie aus Schulbüchern kennen, die es zwar gibt, deren Inhalt aber kaum besprochen wird. Der jüngste Teilnehmer ist 16, der Älteste 20. Seinen Namen möchte keiner nennen, der Workshop findet in vertraulichem Rahmen statt.
Holzattrappen  Als es zur Sache geht, und Simone Kamin fragt, wer den phallischen Holzattrappen ein Kondom überziehen will, finden sich sogar Freiwillige. Ein junger Teilnehmer geht nach vorne, krempelt die Ärmel hoch – und macht dann alles richtig.
„Wenn ihr jetzt noch nicht Vater werden wollt, schützt euch das Kondom“, erklärt Simone Kamin. An der Tafel hinter ihr steht auf einer Schreibtafel HIV positiv = HIV mit einem Häkchen dahinter. Hinter HIV negativ ist HIV durchgestrichen – damit es keine Missverständnisse gibt. Der Workshop geht drei Stunden lang. Es soll auch um sexuelle Identitäten und Homosexualität gehen.
„Normalerweise arbeiten wir mit Männern als Dozenten“, erklärt Simone Kamin. Das Team wollte aber auch vermitteln, Frauen im Bildungssystem sind hier normal. „Es war auch lustig“, sagt sie hinterher. „Irgendwann geht Peinlichkeit in Humor über.“

Das sagen Kulturdolmetscher zum Kondom training

„In unserer Kultur gibt es einen Respekt zwischen Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen“, erklärt Senoussi Azerradj.  Leyla Akad und Senoussi Azerradj arbeiten für die Jugendhilfe Süd-Niedersachsen. Es gib keine spezielle Ausbildung für den Beruf . . . . 
do guck na:
Niedersachsen: In Deutschland befinden sich aktuell über 65.000 sogenannte »unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge« (UMF)« – fast alle von ihnen sind männlich und somit äußerst potent. Damit das mit dem Kondom beim »sexuellen Kontakt« mit der hiesigen Weiblichkeit auch klappt, bezahlt der Steuerzahler neben einer Rundumversorgung auch noch ein »Kondomtraining«.
Schwer, eigentlich gar nicht zu ertragen, dass der Steuerzahler Kondomunterricht samt Übersetzungspersonal für jugendliche Immigranten finanzieren muss, jedoch das Geld für Rentner, Kinder oder Arbeitslose offensichtlich nicht zur Verfügung steht. Ganz zu schweigen davon, dass der Staat seine oberste Aufgabe, nämlich seine Bürger vor Gewalt zu schützen, längst schon nicht mehr wahrnimmt.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

✍ Posted by: Rapahel Siniora

Step Sister Megan Sage wants to surprise brother and she did by coming in his room and letting him fuck her with his big brother cock.

Erection Of The Penis

✍ Posted by: Rapahel Siniora

How does a man get an erection? What is the process behind a penis going from flaccid to erect? Why is a penis normally in the flaccid state? And what is it that causes the erection to end? This page will answer all those questions, and also explain how the penis is built up and which parts of the penis are most important in this erection process.

A Brief Anatomy Of The Penis

There are three main erectile structures inside a human penis: the corpus spongiosum and the two corpora cavernosa. These three structures lay parallel to each other. The corpus spongiosum runs along the bottom of the penis from the base, all the way to the glans, or to the head of the penis. The urethra, which is the tube that carries urine as well as sperm, runs inside the corpus spongiosum. Although the corpus spongiosum does fill with blood during an erection, the overall blood pressure is low and as a result, the corpus spongiosum does not give much support to the erection. This pressure is low in order to allow sperm to pass through the urethra during ejaculation. The parts of the penis that are responsible for making the penis hard are the corpora cavernosa.

The two corpora cavernosa are chambers consisting of networks of open spaces, sinusoids, smooth muscle, nerves and small arteries. Together, these are called the spongy erectile tissue.

During an erection, these two chambers fill with blood and provide the stiffness of the erection. Another key part that supports the erection is the layer around the corpora cavernosa called the tunica albuginea. This layer or membrane is of limited flexibility. Therefore, when blood flows into the penis, the tunica albuginea ensures pressure builds up inside the corpora cavernosa. As a result, the corpora cavernosa become firm and the penis as a whole becomes erect.

This can simplistically be compared to filling a bike tire with air: as the inner tube becomes filled with air, pressure increases, the outer rubber provides resistance and the tire becomes firm and hard. Also, the wall between the two units of corpora cavernosa has a number of openings that let blood flow freely between the two sides so that the pressure is similar in both of these chambers. As the tunica albuginea expands outward, it also squeezes off the drainage veins at the bottom of the corpora cavernosa, which traps the blood and increases the blood pressure inside the penis.

There are three main arteries that supply blood to the penis: the cavernosal artery, the dorsal artery, and the bulbourethral artery. All three arise from an internal artery called the penile artery.

The corpus spongiosum, the two corpora cavernosa, and the tunica albuginea are surrounded by something called the Buck’s fascia. The Buck’s fascia is a strong, deep, fascial layer that sits on top of the tunica albuginea, and this is in turn surrounded by the penile skin which we see externally.

The Process Of A Penis Erection

Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci, through his dissection of human bodies, was the first scientist to realize that during an erection, the penis fills with blood. During his investigation, Da Vinci wrote, “The penis does not obey the order of its master, who tries to erect or shrink it at will, whereas instead the penis erects freely while its master is asleep. The penis must be said to have its own mind, by any stretch of the imagination.”

The reason a penis is normally kept in a flaccid state, is because the smooth muscles inside the erectile structures of the penis are contracted. These contracted muscles keep the tiny arteries inside the erectile tissue squeezed shut, allowing only tiny amounts of blood to flow into the penis to keep up penis maintenance and to provide nutrients and other essential components.

This minimal bloodflow keeps blood pressure inside the corpora cavernosa space low – lower than the average blood pressure in arteries throughout the rest of the body. And as long as this blood pressure is adequately low, blood will not flow into the penis and the penis will remain flaccid.

This changes when a man gets ‘turned on’. Dopamine then sets off a chain reaction that starts the process of making the penis erect. Levels of calcium, the chemical whose job it is to keep the smooth muscles contracted, are decreased. The smooth muscles then relax and open up, and blood is allowed to flood into the penis. As blood enters the corpora cavernosa, these chambers starts getting filled up, blood is pushing on the tunica albuginea, and firmness and pressure is building.

This was the easy explanation of how an erection works. The more complicated and detailed process behind a penis erection is described below.

The process of a penis to become erect is normally started when a man has a sexual thoughtor experiences some form of sexual stimulation. This stimulation could for instance be a kiss or a touch. This in turn, releases dopamine in the brain and sets off signals that are sent from the brain through special autonomic nerves to the spinal cord and the cavernous nerves that run along the prostate gland to reach the corpora cavernosa, the corpus spongiosum and the arteries that supply them with blood.

In the penile flaccid state, the smooth muscles of the corpora cavernosa and the corpus spongiosum are contracted, allowing only a small amount of bloodflow to these parts of the penis for nutritional and maintenance purposes. This flaccid state is achieved by a high concentration of free calcium in the smooth muscles of the penis. This free calcium keeps the smooth muscles is in a state of contraction, and unless the free calcium is reduced, the penis will remain flaccid.

After the signals from the brain have arrived, a process is started that gets the enzyme nitric oxide synthase activated. This enzyme acts as a catalyst for the endothelial cells to manufacture nitric oxide from l-argenine and oxygen, and then diffuses this nitric oxide into the smooth muscles in the corpora cavernosa and the corpus spongiosum. Nitric oxide then binds to a molecule called guanylyl cyclase. To learn more about nitric oxide on Truelibido, please go here.

This in turn converts a molecule in the blood called guanosine trisphosphate to a chemical called cyclic guanosine monophosphate (‘cGMP’). cGMP is a key component in the erectionprocess as it decreases free calcium concentrations. cGMP also helps deactivate the calciumsensitizing mechanism in the penis as receptors connected to proteins that help drive the contraction of smooth muscle cells decrease sensitivity to free calcium.

This reduction of free calcium induces relaxation of the cavernosal smooth muscle cells. As these smooth muscles relax, blood starts to freely flow into the corpora cavernosa and the corpus spongiosum, and the erection is starting to build.

The increased bloodflow expands the corpora cavernosa which then stretches the tunica albuginea (the membrane of limited elasticity on the outside of the corpora cavernosa). As the tunica albuginea stretches, it builds up pressure and firmness. This pressure also compresses the veins at the bottom of the penis where blood would normally flow out of the penis. Or put differently, the pressure makes the tunica albuginea block off the veins that take blood away from the corpora cavernosa. This traps blood within the penis, the pressure increases and the penis becomes erect.

The continuation of the erection is made possible by the tunica albuginea which acts as a gatekeeper by keeping up the pressure and pressing down on the veins that hold blood off from flowing out of the penis.

Testosterone is another key ingredient in the erection process. Nitric oxide synthase is highly dependent on testosterone to function properly, and if there is an inadequate level of testosterone, this will normally cause these enzymes to produce less than optimal amounts ofnitric oxide. The reason for this is that lower than normal levels of testosterone will normally cause a decrease in the number of nitric oxide synthase neurons in the brain.

Additionally, a certain level of testosterone needs to be present in order for dopamine to be released (or synthesized) as testosterone is one of the ingredients needed for this dopaminecreation. And also, increased nitric oxide production in turn causes further dopamine release. To learn more about dopamine on Truelibido, please go here.

When a man has had an orgasm, or sexual stimulation is ceased, the erection will normally fade. The mechanism behind the end of an erection is the reverse of the process of the erection taking place. The amounts of cGMP in the penis are decreased and therefore, levels of free calcium are allowed to increase. When free calcium levels are increased, the smooth muscles in the penis will again contract. Blood is then forced out of the penis by the contracting tissues, and the erection ends.

In short, both contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscles in the erectile structures of the penis are regulated by free calcium, therefore free calcium also regulates the onset and end of a man’s erections.

There are pharmaceutical drugs that target this free calcium level in order to help a man both get an erection and also maintain the erection for longer than would otherwise be possible. Viagra, Cialis and Levitra all do this. These drugs act on an enzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5 (‘PDE5’). This enzyme is part of the erection process as it helps control the level of cGMP, or rather, it breaks down cGMP. When cGMP is broken down, the free calcium levels are allowed to rise, smooth muscles start to contract and blood will flow out of the penis. What these drugs do is to inhibit this PDE5 so that it does not break down cGMP (or breaks it down much slower). When there is more cGMP present, this will decrease free calcium levels and the erection builds and is allowed to remain

Research Studies

Aboseif SR, Lue TF. Fundamentals and hemodynamics of penile erection. CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology, 1988, Volume 11, Issue 4, pp 185-190.

Andersson KE. Mechanisms of Penile Erection and Basis for Pharmacological Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. Pharmacol Rev. 2011.

Andersson KE. Pharmacology of penile erection. Pharmacol Rev. 2001; 53: 417-50.

Andersson, KE Wagner G. Physiology of penile erection. Physiological Reviews Published 1 January 1995 Vol. 75 no. 1, 191-236.
Argiolas A, Melis MR. Neuromodulation of penile erection: an overview of the role of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides. Progress in Neurobiology, Volume 47, Issues 4–5, November–December 1995, Pages 235–255.
Benson G, McConnell J, Lipschults L. Neuromorphology and neuropharmacology of the human penis. J. Clin. Invest. 1980; 65:506.

Borowitz E, Barnea O. Hemodynamic mechanisms of penile erection. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2000 Mar; 47(3):319-26.

Breza J, Aboseif S, Orvis B. Detailed anatomy of penile neurovascular structures: surgical significance. J. Urol. 1989; 141:437.

Christianson DW. Arginase: structure, mechanism, and physiological role in male and female sexual arousal. Acc Chem Res. 2005;38: 191-201.

Conti G, Virag R. Human penile erection and organic impotence: Normal histology and histopathology. Urol. Int. 1989; 44:303.

Creed KE, Carati CJ, Keogh EJ. The physiology of penile erection. Oxford Reviews of Reproductive Biology, 13. pp. 73-95.

Dean RC, Lue TF. Physiology of penile erection and pathophysiology of erectile dysfunction. Urol Clin North Am. 2005;32: 379-95.

Lue TF, Tanagho EA. Physiology of erection and pharmacological management of impotence. J Urol. 1987;137: 829-36.

Nehra A, Goldstein I, Nugent M, Huang Y, de las Morenas A, Krane R, Udelson D, de Tejada I, Moreland R. Mechanisms of venous leakage: a prospective clinicopathologic correlation of corporal structure and function. J. Urol. 1996; 156:1320–1329.

Newman HF, Northup JD. Mechanism of human penile erection: an overview. Urology. 1981 May; 17(5):399-408.

Nunes KP, Webb RC. Mechanisms in Erectile Function and Dysfunction: An Overview. ISBN: 978-953-51-0199-4; DOI: 10.5772/39088.

Sáenz de Tejada I, Angulo J, Cellek S, González-Cadavid N, Heaton J, Pickard R, Simonsen U. Physiology of erectile function. J Sex Med. 2004; 1: 254-65.

Sullivan ME , Thompson CS, Dashwood MR, Khan MA, Jeremy JY, Morgan RJ, Mikhailidis DP. Nitric oxide and penile erection: Is erectile dysfunction another manifestation of vascular disease? Cardiovascular Research 43, (1999) 658–665.

Toda N, Ayajiki K, Okamura T. Nitric oxide and penile erectile function. Pharmacol Ther. 2005;106: 233-66.

Traish AM. Biochemical and Physiological Mechanisms of Penile Erection. Sexuality and Disability, June 2004, Volume 22, Issue 2, pp 151-160.

Udelson D, Nehra A, Hatzichristou D, Azadzoi K, Moreland R, Krane R, Saenz de Tejada I, Goldstein I. Engineering analysis of penile hemodynamic and structural–dynamic relationships: part I—clinical implications of penile tissue mechanical properties. Int. J. Impot. Res. 1998a; 10:15–24. DOI: 10.1038/sj.ijir.3900310.

Udelson D, Nehra A, Hatzichristou D, Azadzoi K, Moreland R, Krane R, Saenz de Tejada I, Goldstein I. Engineering analysis of penile hemodynamic and structural–dynamic relationships: part II—clinical implications of penile buckling. Int. J. Impot. Res. 1998b; 10:25–35. DOI:10.1038/sj.ijir.3900311.
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Zavara P, Sioufi R, Schipper H, Begin L, Brock G. Nitric oxide mediated erectile activity is a testosterone dependent event: a rat erection model. Int. J. Impot. Res. 1995; 7:209–219


✍ Posted by: Rapahel Siniora
"The more you pump, the better it pumps"

If you’ve ever ruminated on your own death, chances are you’ve considered a massive heart attack mid-orgasm while being ridden reverse cowgirl as a preferable way to go. But how likely is that, really? Let’s take a look at a few ways that sex affects the health of your heart.

Despite the cliché, you should pretty much never worry about having a heart attack during sex. According to research out of Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute, while sudden cardiac arrest results in more than 300,000 deaths each year in the U.S., fewer than 1 percent were linked with sexual activity. In fact, only 1 in 100 men and 1 in 1,000 women experience sudden cardiac arrest during sexual activity, according to the data.
Furthermore, according to research from Harvard University, for a healthy 50-year-old man, the risk of having a heart attack in any given hour is about one in a million; sex doubles the risk, but it’s still just two in a million. For men with heart disease, the risk is 10 times higher — but even for them, the chance of suffering a heart attack during sex is just 20 in a million, which is still pretty good odds.
Unfortunately, not all sex is healthy. According to a study out from the University of Florence, there has been evidence that sex with an unfamiliar partner — like sex outside of a marriage — can be risky for men with heart disease. “Unfaithfulness in men seems to be associated with a higher risk of major cardiovascular events,” wrote lead author Alessandra D. Fisher.

According to a few studies published in the last few years, sex does count as exercise because, technically, it helps you burn calories. It is not, however, a particularly effective form of exercise: One study from the University of Quebec at Montreal examined 21 heterosexual couples in their early 20s, tracking energy expenditure during exercise and sexual activity. The results showed that men burned 101 calories (4.2 calories per minute) on average during a 24-minute session. Women burned 69 calories (3.1 calories per minute). You could, in other words, burn three times as many calories with a leisurely 30-minute jog — calories that a single small bag of Doritos would pack right back on.
Worse still, a 2013 study found that for the average couple, sex lasts just six minutes and burns only 21 calories. Even more depressingly, it’s likely that both studies are overestimating the calorie count, since it’s likely the sex was more energetic and longer than usual, due to the fact the participants knew they were being monitored and wanted to impress the researchers.

Perhaps the most effective incentive to have more sex is the fact that the more you have, the less likely you are to develop heart disease. One study from the New England Research Institute found that men who had sex twice a week or more were less likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those who had sex once a month or less (research like this typically focuses on men because more men get heart disease, FYI).
While such studies don’t prove that sex prevents heart disease, they do suggest that sex is part of an overall heart-healthy lifestyle. That’s because if you’re having more sex, there’s a good chance you’re living a more active lifestyle than someone who’s not.

Drake and Justin Bieber Perform Oral Sex in a New Painting Series (NSFW)

✍ Posted by: Rapahel Siniora

Ladies, don’t tell me you’ve never fantasized about Drake or Justin Bieber going downtown for a meal with you? Or maybe Ryan Gosling is more your man? Well daydream no longer, because while this fantasy is still nowhere near a reality, it has been committed to a visual medium thanks to artist Alexandra Rubinstein.

The Russian-born, U.S.-based artist’s “A Dream Come True” series aims to present a female perspective of sex, which is largely underrepresented in mainstream media and pornography. By depicting these (mostly hypermasculine) celebrities performing oral sex from a women’s POV, the men are eroticized in a way that is usually reserved for women.

Now the biggest question lies not in who is meant to be in slide 4 (we think Robert Pattinson, in part because of the painting’s title Bloodhound. Geddit?) but why the women look like Barbie dolls. It’s one thing to censor an artwork for the purpose of an age-restricted audience, but to censor a work intended for adults and which was seemingly created for the purpose of liberating women by showing such an oft-censored act kind of misses the point.

Don’t get us wrong, it’s great to see depictions of men going south with the mouth, even if it is in a quasi-dreamlike scenario where body parts aren’t fully formed, but the kind of attention to detail that was given to Leo’s baby blues wouldn’t be amiss on a woman’s labia. For reality’s sake ya’know? But with such great names as What’s Gilbert Grape Eating? and Eat It Like Beckham, we can’t stay mad long.

The best part is the artworks are up for purchase, so this Christmas get your woman what she really wants – a painting of James Franco going to town, so that she has something to ogle while you show her just how special she really is.

12-year-old pregnant South African girl kisses baby daddy (photos)

✍ Posted by: Rapahel Siniora

The 12-year-old pregnant South African girl, who made headlines days ago after she shared her photos on social media with the caption ‘pregnant and proud’, has shared photos of her baby daddy.

The baby daddy of the 12-year-old pregnant South African girl, is reportedly a 14-year-old boy who lives in their neighbourhood. Here are loved up photos she shared below;

Last year, it was reported that 1 000 teenage girls were pregnant in Erkhueni area of South Africa. One of the girls was a grade 5 student – meaning a 11 or 12 year old girl is expecting her first child. The general feeling of the DA is that young girls under the age of 16 are being taken advantage of – a reason behind the shocking number of them falling pregnant.

According to a report by The Sowetan, the Ekurhuleni mayor, Mzwandile Masina, stated that one of the main reasons young girls are falling pregnant is “the cult of blessers”. A “blesser” is basically a sugar daddy, but maybe not more than 10 years older than the girl he “blesses” with gifts and money.

When these girls fall pregnant, majority of them do not return to school. The girls will then struggle to provide for their child and build a future for herself.

Monday, June 25, 2018


✍ Posted by: Rapahel Siniora

We believe that the end of AIDS is possible if there is more focus on key populations. Our project in Myanmar addresses barriers faced by the sex workers community related to their sexual and reproductive health and rights. Driven by community champions, we work to realize having an empowered and strong sex worker movement; increased access to justice; and access to comprehensive services that are available, affordable and accessible for sex workers.
Sex work is ‘bad, abnormal and a threat’ to society

After decades of oppressive military rule, Myanmar is now governed by a civilian government.

As the new government work towards delivering its promises for peace and reconciliation, the health sector plays a critical role in opening the space for building relationships and developing joint health programmes with ethnic political parties and ethnic armed organisations. Myanmar is currently experiencing a national concentrated HIV epidemic. There are an estimated 212,000 people living with HIV (PLHIV), of which 34% are women. The epidemic is rapidly increasing amongst female sex workers (FSW), with Health Sentinel Sero-Surveillance (HSS) 2014 data reporting a HIV prevalence of 6.44%among FSW. However, the situation in Mandalay suggests a different scenario. 17% of sex workers who have engaged in sex work for a year (or less) were found to be HIV positive in Mandalay. Despite rapid progress and programmatic achievements in recent years, important gaps and challenges remain. None of the priority population programmes have been scaled up to high coverage levels. ART uptake has not yet reached national targets and loss to follow up remains.

Laws pertaining to criminalisation of sex work greatly impact on the effectiveness of HIV interventions. Even in places where these behaviours are not criminalised, cultural and religious norms exist and lead to the labelling of people engaging in these practices as ‘bad, abnormal, and a threat’ to the community.
Sex workers claim a right-based HIV and SRHR response

Bridging the Gaps works with a Theory of Change approach. A Theory of Change is a description of a list of events that is expected to lead to a particular desired outcome. It is a visualization how change is believed to happen. In 2016, representatives of the sex worker community developed a a specified Theory of Change We that consists of short-,medium, and long term outcomes. The Theory of Change describes how we plan to realize having an empowered and strong sex worker movement; increased access to justice; and access to comprehensive services that are available, affordable and accessible for sex workers.

Through innovation and by building on previous work, we will strengthen civil society organisations’ ability to:
1. We facilitate community development
Initiating a coordination mechanism within the sex worker movement in Myanmar;
Developing materials for and conducting Training of Trainers on human rights and advocacy;
Facilitating community development on human rights and advocacy;
Building leadership skills.
2. We advocate for the continuously strengthening of services and upholding human rights
Conducting a healthcare service delivery mapping that includes identifying gaps and needs;
Initiating research on the relation between violence and HIV.
3. Deliver inclusive, rights-based and gender sensitive services
Providing legal counselling and support;
Training paralegals;
Document human rights violations.
4. Foster global and in-country processes and partnerships that reinforce results
Providing access to international HIV and AIDS conferences and meetings.
Our partners

Our project builds on the strong advocacy work of our partners AMA and SWIM to put sex workers’ health issues on the political agenda and get them included in national plans. Their work is internationally supported by Aidsfonds.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Fat schoolgirl Karla gives her dominant teacher a handjob in class [ Pictures] 🔞

✍ Posted by: Rapahel Siniora

Fat schoolgirl Karla gives her dominant teacher a handjob in class 🔞

Standing Sex Positions That Will Take Your Sex Life To New Heights

✍ Posted by: Rapahel Siniora

One evening at a particularly raunchy dance party in Brooklyn, my partner and I realized that we just couldn’t wait to make it back to either of our bedrooms. In a horny frenzy, we scanned our surroundings for a private area outdoors, and wandered into a parking lot full of trucks. After we hastily scrambled between a concrete wall and the front of an 18-wheeler and pulled our pants down just enough, I flopped forwards onto the hood of the truck, grabbing the side mirror to brace myself. What ensued was some of the hottest, naughtiest-feeling sex of my life — it was so sudden and out of the ordinary, it felt like a scene out of a movie.
I’m usually a total bottom and generally stick to a finite set of dependably-orgasmic (and horizontal) sex positions. But during vertical sex, I’m much more active, and usually have to engage my muscles (especially my pelvic floor) in ways that in-bed sex doesn’t usually require. And personally, getting all that blood pumping can make it easier for me to orgasm. Afterwards, I find myself adorably sweaty, flushed, blissed out, and often ready to pass out. But while upright sex can seem daunting, or more trouble than it’s worth, it can actually create more possibilities for intimacy.
“Being able to have sex standing up not only adds variety [to] one’s sex life, but also provides options for spontaneity, especially in tight spaces,” Madeleine Castellanos, MD, functional medicine physician and sex therapist, tells me (and considering how much I loved my truck-yard experience, I couldn’t agree more).
“Adding surprise to our sexual repertoire also re-stimulates dopamine receptors in the brain,” says sex coach Patti Britton, MD. “These are one of the many neurotransmitters responsible for lust.”
Obviously, I had to find out more ways I could work standing sex into my repertoire. But as I researched sex positions, I had trouble finding a guide that was inclusive of gender and had variations accommodating a wide range of physical abilities — standing sex can be quite the workout. Most traditional guides describe sexual roles for the “man” and the “woman,” but I knew that all of these positions could be enjoyed regardless of genitals.
So I enlisted a few sexperts (like Dr. Castellanos and Dr. Britton) to help me round up the best standing sex positions. In this guide, I’ve indicated the “giver” as the more active partner, the one doing the penetrating — but of course, the penetrative positions for the “giver” can be performed with a penis or a strap-on. (Strap-ons are actually advantageous, since you can rotate the dildo to find the most comfortable position for each partner.) Conversely, the “receiver” is the more passive partner, the one being penetrated either vaginally or anally (although you will need to be more delicate in these positions if you are using them for anal).
Ahead, my favorite standing sex positions. Trust me when I say these will bring your sex life to new heights.
The gap between what we learned in sex ed and what we're learning through sexual experience is big — way too big. So we're helping to connect those dots by talking about the realities of sex, from how it's done to how to make sure it's consensual, safe, healthy, and pleasurable all at once

Friday, February 2, 2018

23 Questions & Answers With A Man Who Had A Sexaul Relationship With His Mother 🔞

✍ Posted by: Rapahel Siniora 🔞


IAMA Man who had a sexual relationship with his mother. When I was in my teens, I had a sexual relationship with my mother. I think that we would both characterize the experience as positive. Please fee free to ask anything but I will not discuss anything that would reveal my identity. Recently, my mom and I spoke with a researcher that is studying example of incest that were not traumatic. He is preparing a paper on the subject. I am not an advocate for incest. For whatever reason, it worked for us. Don’t use use my experience as a template. I am here to relate my experience, not debate incest as a subject.
Here are a few FAQs that people will probably ask:
It started when I was 14, my mom was 37
I have an older sister that was unaware and not involved.
My dad knew about it from the beginning and supported my mom’s decision.
It ended around college.

1. Stupid question: Any possibility you’re adopted?

Nope, biological.

2. How did the researcher find you, and what made you decide to be involved with his work?

Well, I was aware of some of his work so he was on my radar and then I saw a notice online that he was looking for people in my situation.

3. Were you ever attracted to your sister?

Yes, but not overly.

4. How did this begin?

Well, without giving away too info, I was injured in an accident at 14 and incapacitated. I went from masturbating 2 times a day to zero. After 2 weeks, I was frustrated and took it out on my parents. My mom and dad knew what was up and talked about my mom “helping” me masturbate. They approached me one afternoon and when my mom said, I know you are frustrated and why you are frustrated would you like some help masturbating. Blood was rushing in my ears and I said yes but I really didn’t know if she meant what I thought she meant. I was excited and confused. She said that she would take care of me when I went to bed. Hours away.
[The injury] was temporary. During that time, I was not sure if her masturbating me would continue one I recovered. It did continue and progressed. It started with her masturbating me. Progressed to her giving me oral and eventually we had sex/made love. It was a slow progression.
We had kissed when orgasming but it was weird and it rarely happened.

5. Did you cuddle afterwards, ever kiss passionately, or was it just straightforward sex?

There was no cuddling. There once was a passionate kiss that happened during but it was weird so we didn’t kiss after that. Pretty vanilla sex.
—Here, I’ll say it. “Guy fucking his mom says that kissing her is weird”

6. Was your dad ever present?

Over the years my dad had seen us together but he never watched per se.

7. Were you ever worried about babies and what not?

Well, my mom was on the pill and never got pregnant.

8. How was the first time you had sex with her. I mean, full on intercourse.

Well, The first time we had intercourse, I was lying in bed getting oral from her. In the middle of it, she stopped, climbed up my body, pulled her panties aside and sat on me. She was wearing a long Tshirt. She told me not to cum and she rode me for about a minute and came. She then finished me with her mouth. My head was spinning.
Sometimes it was discussed at the table but not with my dad around.
I would never tell anyone I know.

9. Was there a fear that your sister would find out?

There was at first but we were careful. She left for college pretty soon after it started so that made it a little easier.

10. Do you still continue this sexual relationship today?

No, it ended after I left for college. It just started to slow down and then eventually stopped. There wasn’t an event that ended it. I have talked to my mother and father about it over the years. The subject is not off limits. I don’t think that either of us wishes it to start up again.

11. Did your parents ever tell you not to tell anyone outside of the household? if so how?

They never had to tell me, I think that it was a mutual decision.

12. Did you ever talk dirty to each other?

No, no dirty talk. At the beginning, she could be clinical in her description of what she was doing and I would get turned on, but not dirty dirty. At orgasm, there could be the “Oh Shit” or “Oh Fuck”

13. Had you already lost your virginity, or was your mother your first?

I lost my hanjob/blowjob virginity to my mom. But intercourse was with a GF

14. While having sex or when you were about to cum, did you ever yell out, “I’m going to cum, Mom!” or something to that effect?

Yes, on occasion, I would say mom when I was coming because that is what I called her, Mom.

15. After the more clinical phase, who took more control in bed?

Well, it became equal when we started having intercourse.
For the most part, I would initiate but sometimes she would ask me. the code was “do you want to go upstairs?”
We probably only did 3 positions.

16. Did your mom dress sexy around the house?

No, she dressed like a normal mom. I never felt her up around the house.

17. How would most of these encounters happen? like explain a scenario?

At first it would happen when I was going to bed. Then it could be in the morning, after school or before bed. It all depended on the day. Sometimes 2 twice a day and sometime non at all.

18. If she got pregnant, would the child be your mother’s child or grandchild?

I am sure that if that happened then she would have got an abortion.

19. Did your parents know you’d lost your virginity to a gf? How exactly did you know that it amped up your parents’ sex life or that your father was turned on by the details? Can you describe the circumstances of the kiss a bit more? Why did it feel weird?

I did not tell my mother or father that I had lost my virginity. My mom stressed that if I had sex then I should wear a condom. They knew that I had a GF. It was after my mom and I had intercourse that I told her that I had had sex with my previous GF.
I had an idea that it amped up their sex life because I could tell that my parents would have sex after my mom serviced me. I couldn’t hear them but I could feel it through the floor and walls. I confirmed years later, talking to my mom, that it did increase their sex drive.
Well, it was later in the relationship, we were having sex, missionary. We were both in the moment and was lost in the pleasure. I locked lips like I would with my GF. It lasted through orgasm, maybe 30 seconds. We both said that it felt weird. Maybe because we kiss like normal mother and son in real life, this was a bit too intimate I guess. I really didn’t analyze it when I was 17. All I ever called that kiss, was weird. It wasn’t unpleasant just weird.

20. Were family gatherings (during and after the sex stopped) ever awkward?

No, I don’t remember any family gatherings being awkward. We had a remarkably normal mother/son relationship aside from the sex. I always have gotten along well with both of my prarents.
Keeping that secret is very easy. I haven’t had a urge to tell anyone I know…just thousands of people on the Internet.
I know people will disagree but I am a pretty normal well adjusted person. I don’t see the relationship as negative.

21. Do you like incest porn?

Not really. Incest isn’t a fetish of mine.

22. Was there ever a time when you were anxious or conflicted about your relationship?

There really wasn’t a time that I was anxious or conflicted. When it first happened, I was worried that it would end.
I knew that I liked it, I didn’t feel guilty and that I wasn’t abused. I really thought that I was lucky.
I have seen a therapist about another matter but it was unrelated and short term. If I don’t believe myself to be broken, why should I seek Help?
Over the years, I have had questions and I felt free to ask them. It is not an off limits subject.

23. Do you feel any guilt associated with what occurred?

No guilt. TC mark