Posted by: Rapahel Siniora
Thinking about incorporating some kegels during sex? Turns out, you totally should. Why? Because it’ll get your guy going way, more than regular ole penetration. In fact, not only does doing kegels in the bedroom make his orgasm stronger and more intense, it also makes him climax faster. And while that’s not always such a great thing (hi, one-minute men), when you’re trying to catch an episode of “Westworld,” it most definitely is. Over on Reddit, guys spilled the juicy details on whether or not a girl doing kegels during sex make them finish faster and... well, here’s what they had to say.
User “nadmaximus.” "The vagina is completely non-threatening to the penis...its this wonderful soft, velvety sleeve that you can just go to town in, with a force and action that I'm simply not comfortable doing to my wife's mouth. But without kegels, a vagina is not quite as stimulating as a mouth. The kegels make it like you've got your hand (or something) manipulating the penis through the sleeve. And you can kiss at the same time!Guys can also do this, and the result is the penis moving and expanding/contracting in girth. Furthermore, the guy can postpone orgasm by doing kegels.”
User “angryuser_trp.” "One reason men love doing anal is because the anus is so tight. The sensation is mind blowing. Our d*ck is tightly ‘gripped' and it makes us want to come so bad... the feeling is just awesome. Now when you do kegels during intercouse for your partner, you basically do the same - you grip his d*ck firmly inside your vagina which makes him feel the same (or similar) way. Basically it's all about making your pussy tighter. With loose vagina, men will have harder time coming. With tight one, you're just bringing your man to the pleasure-land."
User “TapTapBam.” "My lady was able to make me c*m by squeezing just the tip. Very little in-and-out motion. The best part is that she was c*mming at the time which made her contractions very strong.Actually, I also made her c*m by pulsing my love muscle while fully inserted. If there were a body-building competition for just genitalia, I think we would win.”
Anonymous. "The wife and I were having some nice anal tonight and after she had an orgasm in the spoon position, I turned her onto her back so we could finish doing missionary anal. This always gets me pretty excited, but after a minute or so she started clamping down on my penis and I went crazy. She could tell it was working and she kept pulsating and in about 20 seconds I had one of the better orgasms I have ever had. I went all the way to the hilt and buried my face in the mattress and let loose like a banshee. Amazing!”
User “wackodraco.” "As a woman becomes more aroused during intercourse, she typically becomes wetter and often times relaxes and becomes looser, as well. Using your kegels counteracts this effectively. It might not matter, but if it does, it's a good solution.”
User “VikingFJordan.” "In general - hell yes.If you time it to his thrusts (making it akin to "milking" - I'd prefer if you squeeze when I'm on the way out) when he's close, it will be out of this world. He won't know whether to jizz or accept Jesus as his lord and savior.”
User “flavroftheweek.” "It can make me c*m fast sometimes, but it always feels really good. I think the unexpectedness is a big factor, as well as just the tightening. I first experienced this only a couple weeks ago, actually.”
User “cpxmpe.” "Oh yes. The feeling itself is quite amazing, like a velvety hug around the penis, so I'd find it pretty much impossible not to c*m sooner. Though I also like how it gives her a more active role, making sex much more of a shared experience.”
User “doggscube.” "I love it when I'm in my groove and she suddenly does it and the sudden sensation throws me off and I look at her and she's smiling. Actually helps me reset and last longer.But if she does it the whole time: yes, much faster.”
User “Knubinator.” "Oh heavens yes. I'm normally good for ~30min, but I was with a girl last spring that did kegels, and she had me popping in under 5mi.It was…mind-blowing, to say the least. The first time she did it, I hadn't had sex in a while, and had stopped masturbating in anticipation of this, and I came so hard that my abs cramped and I had trouble moving afterward. Best orgasm of my entire life.”
Anonymous. "It feels like a slippery velvet fist gripping my d*ck…Me gusta.Also, girls who do kegels seem to orgasm harder. That is, they spasm harder, making the orgasm very noticable for me to the point where i've actually been squeezed out of the vagina a couple of times. This is hot beyond belief.”
User “Canadian_Couple.” "My GF does this sometimes. It literally just makes your vagina feel smaller. You are clamping down on his penis, making your vagina tighter. This causes more friction which in turn enhances pleasure.”
User “big_shane.” "I'm a guy, and while I've never experienced a girl doing kegels, my favorite way to prolong a girl's orgasm is to do kegels while sitting still inside her. I usually start right after she starts tensing up, kind of the beginning of her orgasm, and I just go to the hilt and flex, flex, flex.”

User “gwydapllew.” "My wife does it as a tease during sex, and as a warmdown after I orgasm. It's incredible, because quite simply you are creating more sensation, more friction, and more contact during intercourse. Quite honestly, I love it.”
User “BoraktheCaveman.” "My ex used to do it when she was close to c*mming. Its like a soft moist glove gripping you tight. The most intense and amazing experience ever. There is no way it is uncomfortable or too intense.”
User “sybban.” "Completely honest answer. It has been ok with a couple women, but it didn't add anything. Other times it is terribly frustrating. I was seeing a woman who could eject me from her when she came. It sounds sexy but it's like a train derailer. Everything is going fine and then all loss of sensation.”