Sunday, January 28, 2018

TOO MUCH FOR ME My girlfriend wants to have sex three times a day and I am worried

✍ Posted by: Rapahel Siniora

DEAR DEIDRE: MY girlfriend wants to have sex two or three times a day and I am worried that it will get boring.
We’ve been together for just three months.
It sounds odd but I worry about my girlfriend wanting sex so much

She moved in with me very quickly. She is 25 and I am 27.
She wants sex at least once every day, usually more.
I love her and I want the relationship to continue to grow.
But I worry sex will become just a habit or we lose the desire.
I find it hard to explain my worries to her
I have tried to talk to her about it but she thinks I say no to sex because I don’t fancy her, which isn’t true.
I just don’t want to have so much sex that it ruins a promising relationship.
DEIDRE SAYS: You don’t have to worry that you or your girlfriend will get bored with sex but you are clearly feeling pressured and that can be off-putting.
It sounds like she needs reassurance that you love and desire her.
Kiss and cuddle her lots without it always leading to sex.
Also talk about any earlier emotional and sexual experiences that may be affecting the two of you now.
My e-leaflet on Different Sex Drives will help you find a happier balance.