Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Latin girl hot

Latin girl hot


By Raphael Siniora

You are likely aware that the anus is pretty darn close to the vagina. This means that fecal bacteria is also nearby, even in the cleanest of women. This situation plus sex can have an unpleasant outcome. “When you have intercourse, that penetration allows some of this bacteria to get closer to the urethra,” says Kim.
Women have short urethras compared to men, so it’s easy for this bacteria (once inside) to make its way to the bladder, where it can multiple, damage tissue, and cause inflammation.
This is a urinary tract infection (UTI), which can be painful and require antibiotics. Peeing right after sex can help prevent the spread of fecal bacteria to the bladder and, there for UTIs. This is also why partners should not switch to vaginal intercourse right after anal.
Peeing right after the end of the sexual act can bring great benefits for you and your body, and in this way it is helping to fight infections that may endanger your physical well-being.
By having sex, those microbes and bacteria in the genital area and rectum can enter and gather in the urethra, running the danger of infection occur in the bladder. Actually, it has been shown that this is one of the most common reasons for urinary tract infections in women. In order to avoid it, experts stress the importance to urinate right after sex.
According to doctors, female ejaculation does not happen through the urethra so the best way to draw and expel all those substances or particles that are introduced during penetration is through urination. It is recommended not to forget this, once completed intercourse. It is advised not to take your time and to urinate preferably within 45 minutes after penetration.
We additionally insist on the utilization of condoms as more secure and more reliable way to protect against these infections and also of sexually transmitted diseases that can seriously endanger your health and the health of your partner.
When you know about the importance to urinate after sex, you should keep in mind that keeping good personal hygiene just before and after sex is also important to avoid infection in the urinary tract, protect your health and enjoy total comfort of your intimate encounters. Particularly, for women inclined to cystitis, vaginal area ought to be washed with water and a little neutral pH soap at the end.

Women watch more porn after getting married, research finds

By Raphael Siniora

The researchers found the reverse trend in men as they report watching pornography less often after getting married
According to the research, women's use of pornographic material increases after marriage iStock

Women watch more pornography after getting married, while married men watch it less, research has suggested.
Researchers interviewed a hundred married men and women to establish how behaviour and attitudes towards sexuality change before and after marriage. Of female participants, 9 per cent reported viewing pornography before marriage while 28 per cent said they viewed it after marriage. The reverse trend was noted in married men; with 23 per cent saying they viewed it before marriage while 14 per cent viewed it after marriage.
In a report published by Sexologies Journal, the researchers conclude: “The findings reveal that the consumption of pornography increases after marriages in females and decreases in males with highly significant difference.” 
They suggest: “Higher level of sexual desire has already been correlated with greater pornography use. Men after marriage are more involved in establishing their socioeconomic status in the society. Hence, their priorities may change from sexual fantasies to actual sexual practices with their female partners.”
One other possible interpretation is that marriage was not a deciding factor in itself but a reflector of age. Namely, that women now are more likely to feel less social stigma about viewing pornographic materials than in previous years and therefore the ‘before marriage/ after marriage’ control in the study in fact reflects age in the form of women reflecting on how sexually liberated they feel now compared to previous years. This would suggest that marriage in itself does not change a person’s use of pornography but rather that associated age factors are more influential.
The study also measured married couples’ preference for sexual acts, divided by gender. It found that 13 per cent of men and 12 per cent of women specified penetrative vaginal sex as preferred. 2 per cent of married men specified anal sex, compared to 0.4 per cent of married women and 5.9 per cent of men cited their favourite sexual act as engaging with sexual fantasies, rising to 6.9 per cent of women
