Friday, April 22, 2016

5 Benefits Of Sleeping Naked Every Day

By Raphael Siniora |   3 Min Read
One of the most important activities that keeps us healthy throughout our lives is sleeping. Needless to say that sleeping is as important as eating and when one gets deprived of it, it can cause fatal health issues.
There are certain guidelines for sleeping and it is a universal truth that anything done less or above the level of moderation can be of risk or can cause lethal side effects. It is considered to sleep at least 6 to 8 hours at night depending on the physical attributes of the person. Anyhow, today, let’s see why sleeping naked is advantageous to us.

What Are The Benefits Of Sleeping Naked?


If you are not a naked sleeper, the idea of laying naked in the bed may sound not too comforting but when you actually get used to it, it is. Moreover, it is not just about comfort in the bed but also because you will have to wash less clothes and you might as well save some bucks on pajamas as well. Moreover, it also frees you from tight underwear and bra as well, which obviously makes you more relaxed and happier.

Better Sleep

Most of the people who wear clothes and sleep must have faced a situation in the bed when their clothes get stuck with something, or their t-shirts gets twisted and presses the belly so hard and you wake up with a bad dream. Thus, when you are sleeping naked, you are free from such small distractions and can result in deeper and better sleep.

Improves Skin Quality

If you sleep naked, at least once in a day, for the better, your body will get to breathe fresh air. More importantly, your private parts will also get aired and obviously, that is a great thing. Your private parts, armpits, and feet are generally restricted all day and are often covered by multiple layers, even in the summer time. Give those parts a chance to air out and breathe. This can lower the risk of skin diseases, like athlete’s foot, that result from wet, restricted skin.

Helps Regulate Cortisol

When you sleep naked, it helps keep your body temperature at the optimal ranges so your body can better create cortisol. Therefore, if you sleep overheated, your cortisol levels tend to stay high even after you wake up. This can lead to increased anxiety, cravings for bad food, weight gain, and more terrible things. Thus, sleeping naked can properly produce and regulate cortisol.

Balances Melatonin and Growth Hormone

Sleeping naked can keep your sleeping environment below 70 degrees (F) every night and help your body regulate its melatonin and growth hormone levels. These chemicals help prevent aging and are essential to good health.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

5 leis do emagrecimento

By Raphael Siniora | 21 April 2016

Onde esta localizada sua gordura, nos braços, nas costas, no quadril? Cientistas afirmam, que para perder peso é necessário saber em qual parte do corpo existe um maior acumulo de gordura e que essa localização esta intimamente ligada aos hábitos de convivência e alimentar da pessoa.

Para emagrecer e obter total eficiência no plano de emagrecimento, cientistas descobriram que é preciso compreender em que região do corpo esta o maior acumulo de gordura. Mas por que? Para poder tratar de forma adequada, que tipo de exercício fazer para queimar a gordura mais rápido e que tipo de alimento comer, confira baixo as 5 leis desse plano.

1. Parte superior do corpo ou membros superiores
 Se você tem a maior parte da gordura acumulada na barriga ou região abdominal, nas mãos, antebraços, costas e ombros, é sinal que você sofra de sedentarismo.

O primeiro passo é investir em um plano alimentar saudável que não ultrapasse 1000 calorias ao dia, por que essa região a qual se encontra o acumulo de gordura é consequência da falta de atividade física e de uma alimentação rica em gordura saturada.O segundo passo é investir em atividades físicas diárias de 30 a 60 minutos por dia e focar em exercícios que trabalhem o peitoral, flexões, abdominais, levantamento de peso para tonificar os braços, enfim, exercícios que trabalhem a parte superior do corpo, onde esta o maior acumulo de gordura.
2. Região abdominal
Se você engordou de forma exagerada e a sua gordura esta concentra na região abdominal e na parte lombar da coluna, demonstra um excesso de cortisol, que é o hormônio do estresse. Para esse tipo de caso, é indicado exercícios físicos como a ioga e pilates, são os mais eficientes, primeiro porque trabalham muito o corpo em geral, segundo porque ambos visam a liberação do estresse. Adote uma dieta rica em minerais, fibras e vitaminas, isso vai ajudar a desintoxicar o organismo e também vai melhorar a digestão e o funcionamento do intestino, promovendo a perda de peso. Por outro lado, se sua barriga estiver inchada, isso pode ser resultado de má digestão causada pelo excesso de comida ou álcool ou ainda alguma dificuldade respiratória. Nesse caso, evite fast food, alimentos industrializados ricos em gordura, corantes, frituras em geral e principalmente bebidas alcoólicas. Procure um médico e faça exames pertinentes ao seu aparelho respiratório, para saber se existe efetivamente algum problema.
3. Região Peitoral
Gordura localizada na região peitoral significa que você anda comendo muito mal e pulando refeições, outro motivo pode ser aquele de ter uma vida muito sedentária, ou seja, comer além do normal e não queimar a energia, acumulandoa. 
O conselho é fazer no mínimo 5 refeições por dia, pobres de calorias e ricas em vitaminas, porções pequenas, mas saudáveis. 
Outra mudança é mover-se! Procure fazer exercícios físicos que contemplem a região das costas e do estômago, exercícios que trabalhem essa parte, se possível também fazer 30 minutos de caminhada diariamente. Um dos exercícios indicados para quem tem gordura acumulada na região peitoral é a natação e a hidro ginástica.
4.  Abdômen, coxas e nádegas
Se você acumular gordura a mais nestas áreas, o que para muitas mulheres é conhecida como “zona crítica”, é um sinal claro de que você não está fisicamente ativo. Sabe o que isso significa? Sedentarismo! Alimentação errada em excesso e nada saudável, geralmente pessoas que acumulam gordura nas coxas e nádegas são pessoas que consumem muito refrigerantes.
Concentre-se em exercícios de resistência na parte inferior do corpo, principalmente musculação e também ciclismo, são atividades que movimentam bem as pernas e o bum bum. Na academia escolha fazer 20 minutos de estepe, a ergométrica também pode ser uma excelente opção.
Procure substituir as bebidas artificiais por suco de frutas e invista em sucos detox. Faça 2 lanches entre uma refeição e outra, de preferência 1 fruta ou 1 iogurte magro. Não salte refeições e foco em refeições pouco calóricas ricas em fibras para fortalecer a musculatura.
5. Nádegas e pernas
Geralmente nesse caso aqui, nas mulheres é uma consequência da gravidez e a recomendação é andar de bicicleta e quanto alimentação os conselhos são os mesmo do item 4. Caminhar ao ar livre, andar de bicicleta, subir e descer escadas, são atividades que movimentam muito as pernas e as nádegas e ajudam de forma super eficiente a queimar esse tipo de gordura.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Former porn star Bree Olson has a warning for women who are thinking about entering the industry

By Raphael Siniora

Bree Olson with black guy porn -interracial porn- 

Bree Olson (born October 7, 1986), born as Rachel Marie Oberlin is a former American pornographic actress and Pent house Pet. She performed in over 280 adult films from 2006 to 2011 before changing to mainstream acting. Since leaving the industry, she has become vocally critical of the social stigma attached to being a former porn actress and of the porn industry.

Olson was born in Houston, Texas. Olson's maternal grandparents were Ukrainians who emigrated to Texas, then Fort Wayne, Indiana, when she was two years old. She has stated that her biggest hero is her grandmother, who was a concentration campsurvivor.

Her first summer job was working as a corn detasseler; she later worked as a busgirl at a local restaurant. After graduating from high school, she applied to Indiana University – Purdue University Fort Wayne intending to become a doctor, but she dropped out of the university.
On March 1, 2011, Olson was reported to be living with actor Charlie Sheen.The relationship ended in April 2011.
Bree Olson & Charlie Sheen
On June 17, 2015, Olson posted an open letter on Twitter advising women to avoid the adult film industry. On 24 March 2016, writing as a guest columnist in Daily Dot, she related her post-porn social life, stating, "porn didn't hurt me. The way society treats me for having done it does". In the same article, she claimed she is "broke", although independent sources had claimed in 2015 she was "worth US$ 5 million. This article was later followed by her 25 March appearance in the YouTube documentary series "Real Women, Real Stories", in which she repeated these claims, adding that she believes society in general perceives ex-porn stars in a highly negative manner, specifically as morally akin to pedophiles. She is also critical of the pornography industry, noting "We are the only entertainment industry that doesn't offer talent royalties after they are gone," but not of the profession itself.

She describes herself as bisexual

More than half of British adults admit to watching online pornography (the real figure could be much higher) and there's clearly a lot of money to be made in the industry.

Bree Olson, who worked in porn for six years, has a very stark warning for anyone thinking about starting a new career in the industry.

Bree with black man
''I send a very strong message to young girls - don't do porn.''

Olson got into the industry as a 19-year-old student after being attracted by the huge paychecks available and finally quit when she was 25 - sacrificing a salary that sometimes saw her earn $60,000 (£42,000) a month.

In a new video with YouTube channel Real Women Real Stories she has been sharing her experiences of life in the industry and life after it.

''The words are something I didn't expect to affect me in my everyday life. When I go out, I feel as if I'm wearing 'slut' across my forehead.
The names that people have called me. It's as if you could take out those names and print them and put them on a ribbon around my whole body - all those things people have written about me online - that's how I feel when I walk out on the street''

Olson, who is now forging a career as a "mainstream" actress, says she's really struggle with the lack of acceptance people have shown her past.

''There are days to weeks at a time where I don't leave my house because I don't feel like facing the world that has been created out there for me.
I get so disappointed when I go out and meet a new friend and it turns out they don't want to be my friend any more. Sometimes it's just easier for me not to leave the house.''

While she says a return to the industry could see her earn something like $20,000 just for one video - she says the vile things written about her and the way society now treats her just makes it not worthwhile.''People treat me as if I am a pedophile, they don't treat me like an ex-sex worker, they treat me like I would somehow be damaging to children.''

When the interviewer asks her how she would actually like to be treated, Olson breaks down in tears.
Bree crying within the interview 
''I don't think it'll ever happen. That's why I don't think about it''

Here are Some Pictures of her:
Bree Olson with 4 men

Bree Lesbian 

Bree Anal sex

Bree cowgirl 

Bree Cow-Girl

Bree swallowed big black dick 

Bree Olson deep throat  BBD

Black man fucking hard to Bree olson

Balck dick riding to Bree Olson's pussy

Bree mouth cum 

Bree Olson with big black dick

Bree sucking balck dick

Bree sucking white dick

Bree waiting for face cum

Bree tits's cum

Bree threesome

Bree suck dicks

Bree with double black dicks

Bree white dick deep throat 

Bree fucked

Bree cowgirl position

Bree for tits fucked

Bree taking hard dick

Bree Olson

Her full video makes for difficult watching at times but serves to highlight the life-long repercussions of the decision she made as a 19-year-old.

Watch the full video below:

Young Secondary School Girl Wearing Uniform Caught Red Handed With A Guy Inside Bush (Watch Video)

By Raphael Siniora | 19 April 2016

This young Junior secondary school Girl was caught red handed inside a hidden bush with her so called boyfriend showing love and affections to each other, this is too bad, 80% of African Parents have completely failed in  bringing up their kids in the right way. The rate of immorality is rapidly growing and in few years time God might have no other option rather than to destroy the world like Sodom and Gomorrah…This Kids Have no shame, i pity for the girl the most if she can indulge in this devilishly act in secondary school only God knows what she will then do when she gets into the University? Well watch the VIDEO.

Sunday, April 17, 2016


By Raphael Siniora

Sani reached behind her back for her outfit’s zipper and pulled it down, exposing her flesh to everyone in the room. Daniela bent forward, sticking her butt upright so Sani and his colleague could wiggle her spandex outfit down her hips. She had on nothing else. Daniela locked lips with Aminu while the others assisted with stripping her naked. Her hands went back to stroking two cocks. She bent forward to suck Aminu’s cock after they were done discarding her clothes.

Joyce was the lone spectator in the room. She watched spellbound as the men caressed and groped her friend’s body, each man taking turns to finger-fuck her pussy. Joyce thought the wooziness she earlier felt was gradually reducing.

Daniela fell to her knees and went back and forth sucking each cock that got pushed at her face while her hands kept busy stroking the others. Each man groaned approvingly at her multitasking skills. Some of them bent forward to grasp her butt while another continued ramming his finger deep into her cunt. Daniela gave each man a reasonable amount of blowjob, groaning the whole time she did. Joyce watched each man take turns holding her head with both hands and thrusting their erection down her friend’s mouth. She herself had before never been privy to such form of exotic punishment. To think that this was what Daniela had brought her along to come and witness.

The men pulled Daniela to her feet and led her to the bed. One of them was already there waiting for her, stroking his cock with his legs spread apart. Daniela bent forward to suck his cock while Aminu propped his foot onto the bed as he worked the head of his penis between her ass cheeks. Daniela unleashed a mewling response, though her concentration was on the black man’s cock that was in her mouth.

Aminu grabbed her by her waist and gave an approval groan as he shoved his meat into her. The other man rested his hand on Daniela’s head forcing her to swallow his cock down to his crotch. She slid onto the bed resting her knees on the bed thus giving Aminu enough access to fuck her with ease. He too climbed on the bed with his thighs spread on either side, his hands still gripped her waist as he leaned forward jerking his hips back and forth, filling her pussy with his cock. His other colleagues stood back stroking their meat, watching and bantering back and forth while bidding their turn. Joyce thought they seemed content to wait.

Daniela was struggling to keep from moaning too loud, especially with her gagging down on the cock that was in her mouth. Each thrust Aminu gave shoved her forward till she had her face pressing against the other man’s thigh. Eventually the man whose cock she was sucking began groaning louder; his body tensed and he cursed aloud in his native language. His hand didn’t let go of Daniela’s head till the moment he shot his load of cum into her mouth.

This wasn’t Daniela’s first time of handling multiple men. Shango had on numerous occasions shared her with a couple of his friends; she had gotten accustomed to being double-penetrated and she thoroughly enjoyed it. Her best moment for her was always looking forward to when anyone got to cum down her throat. She had her tongue lowered and her throat open and ready to receive the instant the man’s cock spurted semen into her mouth.

“Ahhh . . . Agghhh!” the man groaned repeatedly. The only part of him that moved was his hips still thrusting his pelvis against Daniela’s face.

Daniela continued tugging on his cock with her lips, even though still groaning from the pounding she was getting from behind. She slurped and ingested more cum even as the man’s penis grew weak and flaccid in her mouth. She struggled to lick clean every droplet of cum that spilled out of her mouth.

Aminu was gasping with each thrust he gave. His face squeezed into a grimace as he was slamming into her as hard as he could. The moment came when he retrieved his cock out of her cum-dripping pussy and sprayed his ejaculation over her ass cheeks. He felt a cold shiver run all over his body and thought for a second he was having a stroke as his penis continued oozing spurts of cum over her mound of ass. Daniela rubbed her palm over her butt when he was done and added his scooped-up cum to the little amount she carried in her mouth. She came off the bed and hurriedly sucked whatever leftovers she could get from Aminu.

Joyce was mesmerized with everything she saw happening before her eyes and prayed she would remember everything for later while storing the images in the back of her mind.

“There’s a good girl if ever I seen one,” Aminu remarked as he pushed himself away from Daniela.

He staggered backward, laughing when he bumped into one of the other men still patiently waiting.

The one lying on the bed rolled off as Sani then assumed his place and roughly f***ed Daniela’s face down on his crotch. His cock brushed against her nose but she quickly reached for it and was sucking his rod as another man lined up behind her. Strings of saliva rolled off the side of her mouth while she gagged and choked on Sani’s prick. The man behind her was like a brute the way he penetrated her pussy. Daniela stopped for a moment to let off a horny whimper when that happened; the man wasted no time giving it to her hard.

Aminu and the other stroked their pricks while urging their man to fuck her hard. Daniela was careful not to bite down on Sani’s prick jammed in her mouth while she jerked forward from the f***ed pounding she received. It grew hard for her to contain the groaning screams welling inside her body. The man grunted and exhaled harshly whilst fucking her hard. Daniela’s face was a glowering mask of hurt and lust. She almost thought the man intended ripping her in half. So much the man reminded her so much of how Master Shango often fucked her aggressively.

She fell forward on Sani’s thighs, gasping louder with immense pleasure. The man fell on top her backside, still working his girth past her vulva. Sani came off the bed and helped spread one of Daniela’s legs for his colleague who kept digging his cock deep into her vagina. Daniela reached across for Sani’s cock, stroking him fervently like a drowning victim scrambling to grasp a floating log. Her howls matched the smacking sounds of the man’s pelvis connecting with her butt. She felt her orgasm building deep down in her gut and would have wanted so much to reach between her thighs and massage her pussy to hurry it onward.

Shocking Photos! 2 Gay Male Lions Caught mating

By Raphael Siniora
Gay Male Lions

This has got to be final signs of end times it seems Gayism is about to take over the world just like in the time of sodom and Gomorrah. Two g*y lions were photographed ‘mating’ in a safari park in Botswana, after ignoring a pregnant lioness.

Gay Male Lions
 The photographs were taken by Belgian lawyer, Nicole Cambré, during a safari trip. These males had pushed out the resident males earlier in the year and the other female lions had headed into the Mopani woodlands; an area difficult to access with a safari vehicle. 

Tiffany, la hija de Donald Trump, que quizá no conocías

By Raphael Siniora
Tiene 21 años y muchísimo dinero.

Aunque la mayoría de nosotros solo relaciona a Donald Trump con Misses e inmigrantes mexicanos, la verdad es que hay muchas otras cosas a su alrededor que podrían ser de interés para todos. Por ejemplo, sus dos guapas hijas. O, más en específico, Tiffany Trump de 21 añitos.

Aunque esta chica había permanecido al margen de las cámaras (a diferencia de su hermana Ivanka, de 33, con un creciente interés político en los últimos años), finalmente decidió prestarle todo el apoyo posible a su padre, lo que la ha puesto en el foco de atención… por más de una razón.
Te dejamos algunas fotografías, directo desde su cuenta de Instagram, a continuación (cortesía deSopitas):
Tiffany Trump
No todo lo relacionado con Donald Trump es malo, por ejemplo están sus dos guapas hijas Ivanka Trump de 33 años y Tiffany Trump de 21 años.

Pero al contrario de Ivanka que está muy involucrada con el trabajo de su padre, Tiffany pasó mucho tiempo desapercibida, hasta ahora que ha decidido seguir los pasos de su hermana mayor y mostrar todo su apoyo a su padre en su pre campaña, lo que la ha hecho sobresalir últimamente.