Sunday, November 29, 2015

There are no men who only want sex. There are women who have nothing else to offer ..
A woman can make a miracle 4: become wet, not getting wet; bleed avoid injury; give milk without eating grass; wear out, without undressing
Love - it's a miracle, because it closes the whole world on one person with whom you feel good, love - it's a nightmare, because it closes the whole world on one person without whom you feel bad.
you are beautiful, beautiful as it is necessary to reproduce

- The Holy Father, I have sinned. - Live people. Okay. Tell me. Just do not miss this. Especially about corruption - my favorite

In bed in the morning it is necessary to bring sex. Bringing breakfast - this is nonsense.

Good girl's speech ''Feel free to grab me and kiss every time you want''

To wake up the good and gentle, you go to sleep happy and satisfied.

The most sexy in a man - not pumped up torso or nut ass. The most sexy in a man - is a concern. Here it revolves around the kitchen, washes, cleans, cuts, roasts, prepare for you. And you look at him and realize: "I want, I want, I want."

Briefly about me in the morning

It is not necessary to enter into an intimate relationship with an irresponsible man. If a man is going to take a woman in marriage, that is, it does not give full protection and care, including mental, which is no less important than financial security - it is not necessary to continue such a relationship. If a man has not shown that, "I need you as a whole, including your tantrums"

Do you know what a civil marriage for a man? It is a marriage in which he is free from having to listen to tantrums. He once said to his woman, "We are not husband and wife, so you did not skate hysteria here, will roll, because I can and leave!". In the west, there is an idea, even the guest of marriage. They are found only in those days, when a woman in a good mood. Who determines when it has a good mood? Man. That is a civil marriage means: "I am very comfortable when you're in a good mood, but your tantrums do not need me."

If a woman can not share their negative emotions, it can not be healthy and carefree. Because every woman has a caring and household chores and responsibilities. It is very important to have someone at least understood how hard for me to these concerns, as far as I am tired as I need support - so that at least someone was the element of emotional cleansing of negative emotions in order to continue to act in such difficult conditions .

Sex - is what allows men to relax strained.

With you I lost .. modesty

Pleasure brings a partner, not sex!

Why is the phrase "I want you" was credited with a vulgar meaning? Why, if you say "I want you", it means "I want to sleep with you?" "I want you" - is the desire to see a number, breathe the same air, eye contact and be close. Just to be near

For a woman to be happy, you need to touch it, to feel, to caress, to stroke. Baba cats: fed, caressed, stroked, fed.

Any woman becomes smart when her man who knows how to light her eyes and decorate her life.

You are the most severe weakness, Without you I'm suffocating, With you I lost my head.

When before the love that I want to eat.

Fuck comrades, fuck you this contact!

If we know that the condemned to death, why do we not now live for your pleasure?

Touch so that wanted more ... Go away, so that did not want to let go ... Love so that you could never forget ...

The ideal woman - it's pretty woman's life. Quite a beautiful woman character, alluring smile, gentle eyes, and sexy velvet voice - over the edge ... and endless love for the man to whom she had become so great ...

Not that close to someone, you can reach out his hand, and the one to whom stretches the soul ...

All of us are strong, until you meet his weakness.

Contact with her so that her panties were wet, not the eye.

- You look good together. - We're still fucking good.

Hesitating their desires - we are left only with their fantasies ..

"Invisible red thread connected to those who are destined to meet, despite the time, place and circumstances. The thread may stretch or go awry, but never broken."