Do you know what a civil marriage for a man? It is a marriage in which he is free from having to listen to tantrums. He once said to his woman, "We are not husband and wife, so you did not skate hysteria here, will roll, because I can and leave!". In the west, there is an idea, even the guest of marriage. They are found only in those days, when a woman in a good mood. Who determines when it has a good mood? Man. That is a civil marriage means: "I am very comfortable when you're in a good mood, but your tantrums do not need me."
If a woman can not share their negative emotions, it can not be healthy and carefree. Because every woman has a caring and household chores and responsibilities. It is very important to have someone at least understood how hard for me to these concerns, as far as I am tired as I need support - so that at least someone was the element of emotional cleansing of negative emotions in order to continue to act in such difficult conditions .
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